

This page contains information about the childcare options available outside of the family, the rules for parental leave and who can receive child benefit, and much more.

Who will look after my young child when I go to work?

Babies and toddlers need care. They also need different kinds of stimulation and encouragement to help them develop properly. It isn’t always possible for a member of the family to fulfil these important roles.

Many municipalities have crèches or day-care centres/nurseries for children up to the age of four. Babies and toddlers are cared for and educated by qualified carers. Parents can generally choose whether they take their children to the crèche every day, occasionally, or for half days only.

Children can also be cared for by a childminder or within a family day care setting. These look after your child for a full day, half day, or on an hourly basis. Please contact the childcare organisation KJBE for more information.

Who will look after my child at lunchtime or after school?

Some municipalities offer afternoon care clubs or day-care centres. These look after children after kindergarten and school. The children can also eat lunch there. Some schools offer lunchtime supervision, but this is not common.

In many municipalities there is also a lunch club, where the children can eat. Ask the kindergarten or school about the care offered in the municipality.

Parents have to pay for the care fees, which are dependent on their income.

Where will my child be looked after during the school holidays?

Usually working parents can’t take time off for the whole of the school holidays. Some municipalities offer care, partly provided by the school, for kindergarten and school children. Ask the school or after-school care club about the available options. Families can also get together to look after each other’s children.

My child is ill and I’m supposed to go to work – what are my rights?

If a child is ill, one parent can stay at home for up to three days to look after the child. This rule applies per case of illness. You must give your employer a certificate from the doctor to prove your child is ill.

As a parent, you are obliged to find your own alternative solutions (e.g. relatives or friends looking after your child).

Who is entitled to maternity leave and maternity benefit?

Women who were in employment when their child was born are entitled to maternity pay. The condition for this is that they were insured for the nine months leading up to the birth and in this period were in employment for at least 5 months. The entitlement begins on the day of the birth and ends at the latest after 14 weeks. In this period, up to 80 % of the salary will be paid out, a maximum however of CHF 196.00 per day.

What are the rules around paternity leave and paternity benefit?

Working fathers are entitled to two weeks paternity leave for the first six months after the birth of the child (maximum 14 days’ benefit). You will receive 80% of your average earned income subject to OASI deductions before the birth, to a maximum of CHF 196. – per day, as compensation for the loss of earnings.

The father who is in employment can claim maternity benefit via the employer from the responsible OASI fund. You can find further information on the Sozialversicherungsanstalt Graubünden (Graubünden social insurance department) website.

Who gets family benefit?

Employed persons are entitled to family allowances. For children up to the age of 16, the child allowance is CHF 220.00 per month. For young persons in education or training up to a maximum age of 25 the training/education allowance is CHF 270.00 per month. The employer will normally pay the family allowance together with the wages. Under certain circum stances, parents not in employment can also receive child allowance.