

You can find out here how long compulsory schooling lasts in Graubünden and where you can access information about the Swiss education system.


How is school in Graubünden structured?

In Switzerland the school system differs from canton to canton. In the canton of Grisons, school is compulsory from ages 7 to 16 (primary school and secondary stage I) and lasts 9 years.

Most children attend Kindergarten or nursery for two years before they start school. Kindergarten is followed by primary school (six years) and then secondary stage I (three years). There are different types of secondary stage I school, of varying degrees of difficulty. In Grisons there are Realschule (general level of ability), Sekundarschule (more demanding), and Untergymnasium or Gymnasium at grammar school level.

State schooling is known as Volksschule, or elementary school, and is free. Parents are free to choose a private school for their children. Private schools charge fees. In the canton of Grisons responsibility for compulsory education lies with the Department for Elementary Education and Sport. The municipalities organise how schools are run.

Information about anything connected with school and education can be obtained from the school in the community where you live or from the Amt für Volksschule und Sport (Department for Elementary Education and Sport).

Where can I find an overview of the Swiss education system?

The website provides an overview of the key examinations and routes to education in Switzerland.

Where can I find additional general information about school and vocational education in different languages?

The website offers a selection of leaflets on key issues relating to school and vocational education, which are available in 13 languages.